Sherman Symphony Orchestra Perform Christmas Classics


SHERMAN, Tx (KTEN) – The Sherman Symphony Orchestra hosted their annual ‘Christmas Pops Concert’ at Austin College on Sunday.

” It’s a different atmosphere each time, ” said Dale McQueen, an audience member.

Performing their renditions of Christmas classics, you know and love.

To playing songs from movies and bringing them to life on stage.

” Traditionally, orchestra music is not so interactive, but I think it’s a really good way to mix it up. Get the audience interactive with the orchestra. Have them guessing what songs we’re playing. Makes them feel like they’re a part of the show,” said Kendall Armijo, a violist in the orchestra.

To get everyone in the Christmas feels.

This keeps folks like McQueen coming back for three years in a row from Fannin County.

” They didn’t do this in the last five minutes. They’ve been working on this for months to make it enjoyable for everyone here. To watch the percussion instruments, the drums, the different cymbals, and watch them because they all do so many very different things,” said McQueen.

Hitting notes for audience members and the Sherman Symphony Orchestra’s Executive Director.

” We’re not just an entertainment venue. We’re a non-profit organization. And our main mission is education. And every year, we directly impact more than 3,000 students in the Grayson County area,” said Executive Director Aaron Bucy.


KTEN News Reporter/Producer

2024 Children’s Educational Concerts

Nearly 2,200 students and educators joined us for the 23rd annual Children’s Educational Concerts on November 7, 2024. These concerts are offered free of charge to all area fifth graders, and this year 22 schools were in attendance. The Sherman Symphony Orchestra is grateful for our concert sponsors, TPG Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. In addition, we would like to thank the Sherman Independent School District for photographing the event, Split Window Studios for videography (coming soon!), and KXII News for the great story.

Season Ticket Sales Announced on KXII 2024-2025 Season

Published: Sep. 5, 2024 at 5:12 PM CDT
SHERMAN, Texas (KXII) – The Sherman Symphony Orchestra is preparing for its 59th season of music.

Concerts this season include:

  • Fall Concert – October 26th
  • Children’s Concert – November 7th
  • Christmas Pops Concerts – December 7th and 8th
  • Winter Concert – March 1st
  • Spring Concert – April 26th

Click here to purchase tickets.

Austin College Summer Music Camp 2024

Austin College Summer Music Camp 2024 has come to a close! This program is a joint endeavor between the Sherman Symphony Orchestra and Austin College. 95 students from across Texoma enjoyed five days working with a phenomenal roster of faculty including our own Maestro Dominick. The first and only summer music program of its kind in our region, ACSMC seeks to provide an intensive and enriching experience for young musicians currently studying instrumental and vocal music. Formed in 2022, this program has been successful from the start, serving more than 200 students in three years. Highlights this year include guest performances by Sherman Symphony Orchestra musicians, lectures and classes taught by Austin College faculty from Media Studies, Anthropology, Spanish, and Chemistry; presentations by area music businesses, and a panel discussion of Austin College music alumni.


Photos by Kendall Katusak 

The Sherman Symphony Orchestra Association Elects New President

Having served as the President of the Sherman Symphony Orchestra for two years, Peter Bellermann (r.) hands his gavel to successor Susan Whitenack (l.), the newly elected President of the Association. Ms. Whitenack is the Head of the da Vinci School in Dallas, TX. She previously served as Assistant Superintendent of the Sherman Independent School District.